15-12-2013 – Penang, Beach Street; Occupy Beach Street

012It’s not our usual self to turn up and perform so early for a gig. And I am talking about AM early… and not only that we’re performing in the morning, we did it out of our comfort zone of guitar pedal effects and amps. Yes, Ruth brought her trusty Yamaha Fender and me on my classic Yamaha F-210 but we’re all connected straight into the PA system. No DI, no gadgets in between. Max have to work double hard to keep the bass grooves “drummy” as there’s no drum set, we had to bypass the drummer role. The sound was raw but sounded good.

At the last set, my good friend Siva from Ombak Muda came in and jammed with us for the song, “Cina Blues”.

Another thing new that we did was our homemade name cards with a piece of rubber band tied to the end of it. All 28 cards was quicky distributed but I have to wonder if people are interested in our name card or that piece of rubber band. 🙂 Which ever way, it did the trick.

Performance wise, with no monitor, there were occasional off beats and off keys and also PA system blew off halfway while performing “Felice Navidad”. But overall, the set went well. The crowd loved us and we can be sure of that because people actually threw good money into our guitar case. 🙂

I believe we got ourselves a few new fans as the LIKES counter grew and this is the best way to end the year, needless to say.

We had fun and I believe the audience did too.

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